- If you wish to cancel your order, for a full refund, please notify us by email to info@complexcleaning.com before we have dispatched the goods to you.
- You have the right to reject the item at the point of delivery for a refund, but, in the event that the item is not returned because it is damaged, you will still be charged for the delivery; the same applies in the event that: it is rejected exclusively because the order has been part-shipped.
- You can return goods you have ordered from us for any reason, at any time within 7 days of receipt, for a full refund or exchange, providing the product is unused and the packaging unopened. Unfortunately, we can not offer refunds or exchanges in the case that the product has been used or opened. Our delivery costs and the costs of returning goods to us shall be borne by you, unless the product is damaged or faulty.
- If you open a delivery to find it is damaged or faulty, please notify us within 3 days of delivery, by email to info@complexcleaning.com, enclosing photographic evidence wherever possible. Damages and faults not notified within this time period can only be handled at our discretion, unless a manufacturer's warranty applies.
- We can not accept return claims for damaged or faulty items after 30 days of delivery, in accordance with our statutory obligations.
- Returns will be refunded/credited upon receipt of the goods to our warehouse.
- Goods ordered and delivered specifically to the buyer's instruction, then subsequently returned or rejected for reasons other than faulty manufacture, may be subject to a supplier's restocking fee of up to 15% of the goods' retail value, plus the cost of expenses incurred by Complex Cleaning, including delivery, even if the order is above £75 in value.
The provisions of none of the above clauses affects your statutory rights. For further information, please read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS.